So, why may I be interested in a Self-Hypnosis Training Weekend?
Well-being – is the key reason to be interested in Self-Hypnosis training. This is because once you have mastered self-hypnosis, and it is easy to – it will benefit your life in powerful and useful ways. Also, as part of learning Self-Hypnosis, you learn about Progressive Language and progressive thinking – which will beneficially and noticeably change how you experience the world. If you have already experienced one-to-one hypnotherapy and it has worked really well, then imagine what happens when you start to do it for yourself?
You may spend several hundred pounds maintaining your car or home this year alone, new tyres, and in-garage servicing – a new carpet?. But what are you doing to service your mind-body? Maybe you can allocate some resources to really taking care of yourself: your peace of mind, your health, your well-being. Should your vehicle run well, our homes be well decorated, or should we feel good more often, enjoy better quality sleep, wake up more refreshed? Which is most important? New tyres or calm, relaxed and confident at work and with your family and friends?
So if you have ever wished you could be just a little more organised within your mind, more confident, more calm – comfortably more in control of your life – then Self Hypnosis is the tool you really need to get those feelings – and then use them to connect to your true inner potential.
LifeWorks Through Self-Hypnosis teaches you much more than simply how to take yourself into hypnosis – this is not theory, this is a course about practice. A course that teaches you how to write powerful programs to change your life, and how to use Progressive Language and how to use several other new and interesting techniques for beneficial change. Click here to download a brochure.
Click here to find out what people have said about Self-Hypnosis Training. Click here if you have some Excuses to delay learning Self Hypnosis.
If you wish to get a taster of what Self-Hypnosis is about – then come along to the Friday Evening “Open Forum” (for free!) and listen and learn and see Self-Hypnosis at work (See Course Schedule for details). You are welcome to bring a friend or family member along for company – they may also be interested!
Click Dates for dates of forthcoming Self-Hypnosis Training.
Click Prices for information on costs of the Self-Hypnosis Training
If you do want to find out more, or to book your place on a LifeWorks Through Self-Hypnosis Training Course, or if you would just like to chat, then please Contact Us.
I look forward to meeting you.
Tim Alberry D.Hyp, M,Hyp, AHA, NLPMP, B.Sc (Hons)
Self-Hypnosis Trainer, Hypnotherapist, NLP Master and EMDR Practitioner